the artist's pull


the pull
to feel
to explore
to be open
in a way that exposes me
but not only me

connection and confidence 
in order to stretch
satiate a hunger
to release expression
to tell a story

the ultimate 
in being present
in the moment

feeling it all by not being closed 
in your head
seeing vulnerability
as a strength
being human

trust, giving and receiving
a safe space 
for true collaboration 
following the vision of the visionary
compassion among hard work

a part of the whole 
preparing but never forgetting 
the beauty of spontaneity
finding and cultivating that balance

thriving in chaos
being okay with discomfort
understanding that from this discomfort
comes moments of magic

not taking yourself 
too seriously
letting go of everything
this place and time

taking each event in life as additional material
finding art in the every day
learning, growing, being
to try, to experiment
to see what fits the moment

being genuine
being authentic
no hyperbole
just creating
just being


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