

that feeling
as it is happening
boneless body
upper chest
moving into
your throat
cheeks flushing
fighting back
what is rising
tears forming
pushing them down
makes them come back 
and multiply
no matter what you do
the feeling overcomes
your body
until your breath 
is finally affected too
blinking more rapidly now
tears fall
quickly wiped away
shoulders rise 
the desire to curl up
into a ball
where no one can 
see you
touch you
even though what you need 
the most
is to be seen
really seen
a touch
a hug
to know you aren't alone
that this too shall pass
when all you really want
is for those around you 
to be okay
to be happy
it somehow then
gives you permission 
to lower your shoulders
to breathe more easily
to allow for the tears 
to be tucked away 
for another day

-photo by Gayle Oshrin


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