invisibly naked


she sits quietly
on a park bench
she's looking down at her hands
what she sees there
is not what everyone else does

at the same time
she feels 
at the same time

it's a blue sky, warm sun kind of day
she hears birds chirping
sees bees circling flowers nearby
she observes the people around her
occasionally looking back down at her hands

the trees above provide shade
a respite from the heat of the day
a canopy

the song she was listening to
has ended 
her thoughts
her current soundtrack
nature, its chorus

she feels alone
but not lonely
she feels still
but her hands
they don't stop moving

slowly she shifts
presses play once again
realizing she's visible
she stands up
and sees
someone has been watching her


  1. Love the last lines - a lovely twist! ♥️ -CC

  2. Love the whole thing, but the best to me is the second to last stanza!

  3. Who’s watching? Is this the start? Very interesting! A little teaser?Please continue!!!❤️


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